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Address and contact details

Ludwigstrasse 54b
D-67059 Ludwigshafen

Tel.: +49 (0) 681 54227
Fax: +49 (0) 681 582169

You can find parking near to our branch in Ludwigshafen in the multi-storey car parks at the Rheingalerie or the Rathauscenter.

Travelling by public transport

Our branch is within walking distance of the Ludwigshafen-Mitte railway station. It is approx. 800 metres on foot to us.

You can reach us from Mannheim main station with the RNV 4 tram in the direction of “Ludwigshafen, Berliner Platz”. You only need to walk 600 metres to us from the “Berliner Platz” bus stop.

Information on the surrounding area

Our branch is situated in a lively area on the Ludwigshafen Rhine promenade. Linger in one of the numerous cafés and restaurants in the vicinity or stroll through the new Rheingalerie directly over the road from us. You also have the opportunity to combine your visit with a shopping spree in Mannheim city centre. This is located directly on the opposite side of the Rhine.

Our surgery days for our branch in Ludwigshafen


January No consultation days
February Mon 10 / Tue 11 / Wed 12 / Thu 13
March Mon 10 / Tue 11 and Wed 26 / Thu 27
April Mon 7 / Tue 8 / Wed 9 / Thu 10
May Mon 12 / Tue 13 and Mon 26 / Tue 27
June Wed 11 / Thu 12 and Wed 25 / Thu 26
July Mon 7 / Tue 8 / Wed 9 / Thu 10
August Mon 4 / Tue 5 and Wed 20 / Thu 21
September Wed 3 / Thu 4 and Mon 15 / Tue 16
October Wed 8 / Thu 9 and Wed 29 / Thu 30
November Wed 12 / Thu 13 and Mon 24 / Tue 25
December Wed 10 / Thu 11

Please book an appointment early through our head office.